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When you can't figure out what to do with your life at 30

Photo by  Austin Chan  on  Unsplash There are people who, from a very young age, already know what they want in life. Remember your friends in high school, college, or even elementary who your teacher asked what they want to be when they grow up and actually turned out to have the career they always wanted? There are also those who, while most of their friends are busy partying and #YOLOing, are busy climbing the corporate ladder or starting their own businesses. These are the people who have thriving careers or businesses and are managing teams at the young age of 25 or 27. These people are amazing! They have their life all figured out while everyone else is stuck with this thing called quarter life crisis. I'm obviously not one of them. I always wished I had my life figured out earlier. At times, I wish I hadn't had kids at such a young age and in a not-so-ideal circumstance. Maybe, just maybe, if I made the right decisions in the past, I wouldn’t have to

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