But why?

After months of contemplating on and off whether or not I should start a blog, I finally decided that I should. And I would. 

Now before I start, a brief background. In the middle of 2015, I started entertaining the idea of moving back to the Philippines and starting my own business after living in Singapore for three years (at that time). I eventually did in October 2015 and I started the company with a very limited budget and not a whole lot of experience. What I DID have is a fire in my belly and an unrelenting ambition to build an empire. Fast forward to now, two years later, the business is growing and the fire in my belly burns even brighter every day.

In this blog, I want to share with you my thoughts, experiences, lessons learned, and everything else in between. Thank you for you joining me in this journey. I hope that you will learn a thing or two and that this blog will inspire you to reach greater heights.




I am not, by any means, an expert. Neither do I claim to be one. I am just a regular girl trying to achieve extraordinary things. The things I will discuss here are purely borne out of my own experiences and opinions and may not necessarily be 100 percent accurate. Or effective. Or fool proof. You've been warned. Don't flame me.


You are free to react, agree, or disagree with the things I say. I encourage a healthy discourse but please try to be nice or karma will bite you in the butt.


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